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Don Julio Blanco Tequila

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$89.95 750 mL Bottle
40% ABV / Mexico / Tequila Don Julio

Pure tasting tequila made only from quality agave. Pours clear with lively aromas of fresh agave, lemon, lime, and grapefruit. Smooth on the palate with light agave sweetness, delicate grassy notes and a hint of black pepper leading to a clean finish.

Tasting Notes

clear, water white; aromas of agave, green herbs and touch of spice; herbal flavour with a touch of citrus and warm finish

Serving Suggestion

soft tacos with grilled chicken


Blanco, Blanco Tequila, Liquor, Other, Spirits, Tequila, Vibrant & Fruity

Don Julio Blanco Tequila Info

Manufacturer: Tequila Don Julio
Stores: LCBO
Availability: Check

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