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Liquor & Alcohol Delivery Service in Waterloo

Beer, Liquor, Wine delivered in under 1 hour!

✓ Cheap delivery fee ✓ Free samples
✓ LCBO & Beer Store ✓ Fast to your door

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The Beer Guy is the Ultimate Liquor & Alcohol Delivery Service in Waterloo, ON near you!

By using our online Waterloo Beer store at The Beer Guy you have over 3000 brands of liquor or spirits available for HOME DELIVERY. Take all the time you want shopping around our Waterloo liquor or spirits delivery store, and find the best liquor or spirits available; and the most options to suit your needs! We provide Waterloo liquor or spirits pricing, Waterloo liquor or spirits images, Waterloo liquor or spirits package sizes, Waterloo liquor or spirits descriptions, and even articles about Waterloo liquor and spirits! Take all the time you want, and get EXACTLY what you're looking for!

We also offer Waterloo beer delivery for your convenience, as well as wine delivery in Waterloo. All alcohol types are available in all of our delivery locations.

The Beer Guy doesn't raise the prices like other companies do. We give you the same great value you would get at The Beer Store, in the convenience of a click! So what could be better?!? How about receiving your order COLD, and within a few hours from the time you place the order?!

No time? No car? Let The Beer Guy do the work for you!

Click here to start shopping today, and get your liquor delivered within a couple hours!

Haven't found the answer? We can help.
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Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions about Waterloo Liquor Delivery

We charge a rate of $4.29, and unlike our competition, we don't upcharge the products you buy. We make our money off the delivery fee only! This save you as much as 30%!! That's right, you pay the same price with us, as you do at The Beer Store or LCBO.

In Waterloo, we accept Visa, Mastercard or AMEX online or at the door, debit at the door, or cash at the door.

Yes, we do. Our drivers will take empties from your residence for a $0.08 refund per beer bottle, provided there is not a substantial amount of bottles. We'll also take your liquor or wine empties for your convenience - no financial return. Whether the driver will take empties or not is the choice of driver. Please verify with the driver when they arrive, to confirm they can take your empties. Our drivers are not required to take empties, but are asked to provide this option as an extra convenience to our customers.

Now, most of you will think of us as Dial A Bottle Waterloo, but in fact, Dial A Bottle is a generic name for the service, much like Kleenex has become synonymous with the tissue. We don't consider ourselves Dial A Bottle Waterloo, we prefer The Beer Guy!

So if you're looking for beer delivery Waterloo, liquor delivery Waterloo, or wine delivery Waterloo - remember, we're The Beer Guy, not Dial A Bottle.

For a full FAQ, please visit our Help and FAQ page.
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